Real estate moves with times and embraces technology that can help in its continued growth and success. However, many people seem to lack faith in virtual reality, which is slowly creeping into the real estate industry. It could turn into a grave mistake as some people believe and this has moved many to shy away from applying the technology in their projects. However, tests done so far prove that artificial intelligence could be the change the real estate industry has waited for many years to embrace.

Guided virtual visits

Essentially, guided virtual visits work like promotional videos, except that in this case the illustrations are shot and presented in 360 degrees. Through this method one is able to have a preview of the property in question without necessarily making physical visits. For properties that are still in construction, virtual reality will offer a groundbreaking solution for agents as they will have unfinished projects to present to new clients.

It works more like 3D architectural animation but the difference is that virtual reality gives the real picture of the completed structure. Many professionals thought the birth of 3D architectural animation software like Renders 3D Quick would mark the end of innovation in design and presentation. Bur virtual reality is bringing a different perspective that could give the real estate industry a new twist.

Interactive virtual visits

Another way people can explore projects is using interactive virtual visits. In this case, as the user moves, the preview moves as well and you could decide to walk into different areas of a building while far away. The walkthrough is conducted at your own pace and is an amazing experience that allows you to verify all you need to know about a property without relying on the information shared by others. Artificial intelligence will surely transform the real estate industry by automating many processes that people thought had to be manually undertaken.

Virtual commerce

Just like e-commerce shops allow you, with artificial intelligence you can make alterations to the home to achieve a custom effect. Many apps are being developed to make this possible and buyers of property will have easy time understanding what they need to spend to renovate a particular property. This information allows them to make the right buying decisions to ensure one only chooses property that adds value. Several people who have used virtual reality to preview property have been able to sign leases. This is the advantage companies like CPM are enjoying because they allowed the inclusion of the technology in the marketing process.

In the near future, virtually all companies in the property market will be using virtual reality to not only boost their business, but also enhance the design and construction process. Some homes already have intelligent systems installed that don’t need monitoring to function as required. One might be convinced that these technologies are expensive, but this is not the case despite the low uptake. To be on the winning front, it is advisable to embrace virtual reality in the real estate industry.